About us

HOP3 is an agile consultancy team, with strong industrial background accelerating your transition to carbon neutrality

Strong business and operational background

HOP³ was founded in January 2018 by Bernard Mathieu, strong of 20 years’ experience in the energy intensive industry, with direct responsibility for decarbonisation strategies, CO2 trading, circularity, sustainable construction, corporate social responsibility and related public affairs activities.

Since then, HOP³ has broaden its scope to integrate carbon capture solutions with Akhilesh Gupta as head of HOP Capture, and has included stakeholder communication to fully complete its customer sustainability strategy with Cécile Moreau as head of HOP Connect.

Each member of the team has more than 20 years’ experience in energy-intensive industries (cement, lime & glass) and has an extensive network among technology providers and key players in the CO2 transport, storage, and utilisation chain.
Our aim is to guide organisations in the integration of sustainability in their vision, strategy and operations. And to provide a 360° support for their transition
to carbon neutrality.
Our approach is pragmatic, tailored to the specific needs of our industrial clients.

Accelerating your transition to a smarter and sustainable future

Thanks to the HOPExperts we service your organisation with over 60 years of sustainability experience with the industry at international level.

We are driven by the latest knowledge to find pragmatic solutions, while operating with the highest level of ethics and integrity.

We advise organisations on their pathway towards decarbonization as well as on the integration of sustainability in their vision, strategy and actions.

We deliver a comprehensive and end-to-end solution to CO2 emissions.

Our strength is to combine these strategies with open stakeholder communication and engagement plans.

HOP³ Customers include companies, associations, public authorities and cities.

HOP³ operates from Brussels and deploys its services internationally.