HOP Capture

Your solution provider for carbon capture, utilisation or storage projects in Europe

Delivering on your decarbonization objectives

As carbon capture technologies become mature for deployment, industrial companies can now walk the talk and deliver emission reduction at scale.

Thanks to our extensive experience with the energy-intensive industry in Europe, we can guide your decarbonization pathway and become your solution provider for CCU/S projects.

In recent years, we have developed end-to-end solutions for CO2 emissions mitigation, implemented CCU/S pilot projects in Europe, and crafted several carbon-neutral roadmaps for multinational companies and European trade associations.

HOPCapture: a 4-step approach


From a deep understanding of your activities & processes and current emission figures (scope 1, 2 and 3), we help you identify relevant technological and non-technological innovations. We assess their respective CO2 reduction potential, as well as their impact on Capex and Opex.

In close cooperation with your technical and/or environmental teams, we deliver your carbon neutrality strategy and roadmap.

2. BUSINESS CASE of your CCU/S project:

Starting from your production process, facilities footprint and exhaust gases, we assess the potential contribution of CCU/S to your own decarbonization pathway, as one of the potential emission mitigation technologies.

We identify existing and future opportunities for transportation, storage (permanent geological sequestration) and/or use of your captured emissions. Best partners at all steps will be recommended. We also help you identify relevant subsidies and grant programmes to build a tailored funding strategy for your project.

We provide you with a fact-based assessment of the applicability of CCU/S to your production facilities (pre-feasibility study), including a preliminary estimate of investment and operational costs.


Capital expenditure, operational expenditure and environmental impacts are more precisely quantified. We coordinate contacts with equipment providers from various regions of the world. We facilitate agreements with service operators and industrial partners for transportation, geological storage or utilisation.

We deliver your carbon capture action plan (feasibility study).

4. IMPLEMENTATION of first industrial pilot

We support the execution (including commissioning) of your first carbon capture unit, by facilitating contacts with equipment and service providers (consultancy contract) or managing the entire project (EPCM).

Working closely with your teams, we make sure that your emission mitigation ambitions are delivered and that you develop the know-how you need for further deployment.

> Mission accomplished: CARBON CAPTURED!